Assalamulaikum :) im still wide awake. maybe today is a tiring day. WALKathon. me and my friend walk around KT to do a lot of stuff. i need to make a new ATM card because ive lost it. how careless am i?? its alwayyss happen. i still can feel the ache on my feet. huh. its not ended after ive got back from KT. At night, my classmate already arranged a farewell dinner for MAY. they set the place at AS-SYAKIRIN . its only located near the entrance gate. but when youve already walking about the half day, and then you need to walk again from kolej to the gate. aarrghh, however if im not doing i will suffer the whole night because i dont even took lunch during the day. my battery was getting lower and lower. when i reached there, have chit chat with my havoc classmate, all the aches go away. i ate nasi goreng udang and mochacino panas. i tried not to drink cold water anymore especially with ice. if from the fridge it can be consider.. hahaha. we gathered at 9 and we went back to kolej a...